50th Anniversary of "Humanae Vitae" (1968-2018)
Humanae Vitae document
NEW ---- Bishop Morlino - "U.S. Bishop defends Humanae Vitae, tells students to be ‘politically incorrect’"
"Against Ideological Colonization: The Teaching of Humanae Vitae and a Humanely Adequate Global Ethic"
University of St. Thomas School of Law (Minnesota)
"This is a story about an international struggle between hope and despair, equality and
bigotry, community and isolation. It is a story of men, women, and institutions emerging from the
horrors of two world wars, desperately seeking the path to permanent peace and getting lost in
trails of self-interest, quick fixes, and hubris. It is also the story of the Church’s stubborn resistance
to these siren calls, and the ongoing struggle to persuade our families, friends, neighbors, and
leaders that there is a better way – but that way requires placing the human person at the center of
public policies, as well the development of self-mastery, prudence and generosity within each
person." Click here for complete article.
Archbishop Chaput’s Column: The Importance of Humanae Vitae
Click here
Bishop Robert Barron on Anniversary of Humanae Vitae: "Paul VI, Prophet"
Click here
Wall Street Journal columnist blames contraception for enabling sex abuse culture
Click here
George Weigel: "What’s changed since 'Humanae Vitae'?"
"Getting beyond 'I can't'" - importance of preaching and evangelizing on Humanae Vitae, etc. at the parish level
Adobe Acrobat document [375.2 KB]
“Humanae Vitae” is Truly “Good News” – Let’s Get the Message Out …. The brochure, “Getting Beyond ‘I Can’t’”, written by two priests totally dedicated to the Church’s Gospel of Life, is designed to overcome common objections at a parish level to dynamically and clearly proclaim “Humanae Vitae” and the fullness of the Church’s teaching on the transmission of human life and God’s plan for spousal love. Fr. Daniel McCaffrey and Fr. Matthew Habiger OSB, the brochure’s authors, begin, “Everywhere we go we find married couples asking, ‘Why won’t our priests address the issue of contraception and sterilization from the pulpit?’ Having heard those frustrated questions many times, we think it is time to list the top eight excuses given by priests and our answers to them.” You will find their clear answers, together with the brochure’s addendum of questions and answers by Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap, an excellent way to encourage your pastor and parish leaders to want to engage more fully on these vital issues, if not already doing so.
Feel free to download the pdf file of the "Getting Beyond 'I Can't'" brochure above.
Also, be sure to check out both websites on the back of the brochure. Both One More Soul and NFP Outreach have some very helpful materials to help spread the Humanae Vitae message.
Recently, Family Life Council participated in a USCCB symposium at Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. entitled, “Humanae Vitae (1968-2018): Embracing God’s Vision for Marriage, Love and Life,” held April 4-6, 2018. High-level academics discussed many of the philosophical, theological and pastoral aspects of Humanae Vitae and other related Church documents. We are told that all the videos of the presentations will soon be available on the web. We hope to post that information when we get it.
One of the main presenters at the symposium was “our own” Dr. Richard J. Fehring, Professor Emeritus at Marquette University and head of the MU College of Nursing Institute for Natural Family Planning. His enlightening talk on the historical involvement of Catholic physicians/scientists as pioneers in the field of NFP can be seen here: https://livestream.com/CatholicUniversity/events/8141842/videos/172865175 (beginning at the 33 minute mark).
Another speaker was Professor Janet Smith whose famous talk on Humanae Vitae, “Contraception, Why Not?” is now in its 3rd edition, “Contraception – Cracking the Myths”. This CD is a great tool to inform, convert and motivate people on the issue. Order several to pass along: https://www.lighthousecatholicmedia.org/store/title/contraception-cracking-the-myths
Coming up in Milwaukee at Marquette University July 20-21, 2018 : A Conference on the 50th Anniversary of Humanae Vitae and 20th Anniversary of the Marquette University Institute for Natural Family Planning: “Healthcare Professionals Answering the Call to Provide Evidenced-Based Natural Family Planning”. For more information and to register: https://marquettenfpconference.com