About Us
Family Life Council, Inc. is a pro-life/pro-family organization dedicated to the belief that all human life is precious and worthy of protection and that the family, the basic unit of society, must flourish in order for individuals to reach their full potential and for civilization to progress.
Since it was founded in 1987, Family Life Council has been involved in a variety of local, national and international efforts to promote these beliefs.
Family Life Council is interested in promoting a healthy understanding of sex, marriage and the family. We believe that young people and adults who practice chastity before marriage are much more likely to be happy and well-adjusted and to enter into happy, permanent marriages. The promotion of chastity is also one of the best ways to reduce the level of abortion which not only kills the baby, but greatly harms the psychological, emotional and spiritual development of the woman and all those involved in abortion.
We believe that marriages in which both spouses respect each other's sexuality in an integrated manner are marriages in which the spouses will be better able to give the gift of themselves to each other.
A major emphasis of Family Life Council is to facilitate networking among international pro-life and pro-family leaders, especially in Latin America. We have been instrumental in assisting in the development of a more effective pro-life movement in Latin America and our work has been recognized and praised by leaders from many countries.
While the Family Life Council is committed to effective programs and strategies, it believes that the efforts of the pro-life/pro-family movement will only succeed if they are based on prayer and faithful to God's plan. Please pray for the success of our work.
If you are interested in learning more about the work of Family Life Council, please feel free to contact us. The efforts of Family Life Council depend entirely on free-will donations. Family Life Council, Inc. is a Wisconsin-based, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation.
Family Life Council, Inc.
2416 N. 74 St., Wauwatosa, WI 53213
e-mail: wauwatosalife@gmail.com